
The film is about a project run by the New Life Foundation. The New Life Foundation runs an almost self sustaining project which is centered on the well being of the children under its care. The project is run by local people and run very well. If this style of treatment could be observed and applied to the current child protection schemes then the mistakes affecting the lives of so many individuals may be put right.

The film has three main objectives.
1. Ensure that there is sufficient funding to sustain the projects.
2. The film can promote an ideal model of how the de-institutionalization can be addressed
3. The film is to act as a pilot to present to a production company in an attempt to increase public awareness

The film is currently in the post production and promotion phase. The fund raising for this project continues, money spent now will help keep seven boys alive and affect the lives of thousands of others.

Film Proposal

Whilst at Christ’s Hospital School I became heavily involved in their Romania project. Here I worked amongst high school students who were working as part of the national strategy which is working with the Romanian Government to produce a sustainable project allowing Romanian people to provide for each other. Since leaving I have also become involved with a couple of other charities working in different areas both geographically and socially.

Through this I have gained a unique insight into how the changing political agenda is affecting individual children.
I am looking to make a film about a project run by the New Life Foundation. The New Life Foundation runs an almost self sustaining project which is centered on the well being of the children under its care. The project is run by local people and run very well. If this style of treatment could be observed and applied to the current child protection schemes then the mistakes affecting the lives of so many individuals may be put right.

The film has three main objectives.
1. Ensure that there is sufficient funding to sustain the projects.
2. The film can promote an ideal model of how the de-institutionalization can be addressed
3. The film is to act as a pilot to present to a production company in an attempt to increase public awareness

Documentary History

In 1997 the Romanian government began to re-structure their child Protection policies as part of their bid to join the EU. The documentary will explore the various routes taken by children from an orphanage forced to close down in 2004.


Nothing is perfect and individual cases will remind us of this but the trend is positive and the effect , on the whole, beneficial. One example of suffering is one too many of course but the Government has made, is making and will continue to make progress in this vital area. Its progress compares very favourably with other countries , newly acceded to the EU and yet to join and this is a vital point considering where Romania has come from.
1. The opportunity here not only to produce a new and important video but to raise the profile of the work of New Life and to highlight the actual/real situation of children in these situations is a great one. The "tone" of the video is therefore vital; serious rather than depressing.
2. It must be a positive film resisting the temptation to be negative and critical - just accurate and realistic without allocating "blame". If the tone becomes critical it loses its opportunity to inform and educate precisely those who need to see it and understand the realities of the situation. It is very delicate I know - I don't mean "sanitise" things but , in my opinion, the story can be told and the message can be put across without causing offence - which would be counter- productive.
3. New Life has, in my view, established a model of Best Practice in Amara. It is an excellent example and one that deserves to be known about by a wider and higher audience. We would all like to see such a project replicated elsewhere. The benefits are so obvious and so great. That is the message. I can help with this because what has been achieved there is exactly in line with the Government's Policy on De-institutionalisation (not perfectly executed in practice) and by encouraging others to follow - more children will benefit.
4. It is important that the SNAC features in this, that the CH connection is mentioned and that the global strategies of the Government are referred to in order to provide the essential context.
5. This could be really exciting – we can use it here in the UK - but it could really have a wider Romanian and South East European audience too - the potential is that great.


The work completed has been very successful. The project has managed to record the different approaches taken to the changes in the child protection policies. Particular attention has been paid to the work of an NGO (New Life Foundation) which seems to have found several solutions to this problem whilst catering entirely for the well being individual children under its care.

Although the project is running over budget it has been run in a most cost effective manor and the expense are minimal. Once filming has been completed here in the UK the editing process will begin. There is still a great deal fund raising remaining in order to ensure the documentary is completed and released; the project is aiming to be completed in December.

The footage gathered during the week’s filming will be edited to produce a documentary studying the variety solutions to the closure of placement centres in Romania. The interviews and footage are to be analysed and the storyboard developed further before the editing process begins.

What Next?
Although not all the footage has been shot the editing process is underway to ensure that the project is competed before the new year. Once the edit is completed distribution can begin. Here the real political work can begin and the changes be made. Beyond the politics is a necessity for awareness to be raised. In addition to the necessary publicity steps the documentary will be presented to broadcast corporations.

This Project needs a further £1300 for completion.Everyday passing leaves children in need. The work must continue.